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Argus World Argosy III

Welcome to the home page of the Argus WORLD ARGOSY III, a very special project by and for the members of the Argus Camera
Collectors Group.

This is the Argus Collector's Group's THIRD attempt to pass a single Argus camera across the US and around the world.

From September 2002 through November 2004, forty-eight Argus fanatics passed a single Argus C3 camera across the United States, then to Australia and across Europe in the original Argus Argosy.  Each photographer submitted three photos taken with the camera which were published in an online gallery.

At that time the ACG attempted to start a second Argus Argosy, this time sharing a rare Argus olive Model A.  Unfortunately both the original World Argus C3 and the second World Argus Model A went missing presumably while in transit somewhere in South Africa.

Hoping the third time is the charm, the Argus Collector's Group is now organizing a third Argosy.  Will this one be successful?  Only time will tell but we hope so!

Special thanks to ACG Member William Lanteigne for donating the Argus C4 that will be used in this Argus Argosy and special thanks to Jaye W. and Ed Kowalski for tuning up and servicing this and previous World Argus cameras as needed.

Please email Wesley Furr, the Argus Argosy originator and coordinator, with any questions or comments.

For all participants - Please review the Rules for Participation for the Argosy III.

The World Argosy III has made news as it has traveled around the world!  Take a look at Argus Argosy in the News.

Where is it now ?
(click photographer name to see photos!)

1Hrad KuzykIraqFeb 2006
2Napoleon M. CepriasoJeddah, Saudia ArabiaMarch 2006
3Jim AbelLiverpool, UKApril 2006
4Stephane BastienLongjumeau, FranceApril 2006
5Ken & Judy AndersonMelbourne, Victoria, AustraliaMay 2006
6Brian ShermanLancaster, CaliforniaJune 2006
7Deborah KacLos Angeles, CaliforniaJuly 2006
8Richard HeatherLos Osos, CaliforniaJuly 2006
9Brad BarnesRedwood City, CaliforniaAugust 2006
10Greg BorchetRohnert Park, CaliforniaSeptember 2006
11Todd WagnerWalla Walla, WashingtonNovember 2006
12Curtis BorrowGreat Falls, MontanaNovember 2006
13Caitlin BarrowGreat Falls, MontanaNovember 2006
14JD HowardRoswell, New MexicoNovember 2006
15Michael A. HuckCorpus Christi, TexasDecember 2006
16John C. DriskillEl Lago, TexasJanuary 2007
17Leon FundenbergerTopeka, KansasFebruary 2007
18Johnnie WalkerFairbault, MinnesotaFebruary 2007
19Tim VertheinBovey, MinnesotaFebruary 2007
20Pat O'ConnorMagnolia, IllinoisApril 2007
21Vaughn MartensRacine, WisconsinMay 2007
22Karl BlessingGrand Rapids, MichiganJune 2007
23Dan CluleyMason, MichiganJuly 2007
24William LanteigneIndianapolis, IndianaAugust 2007
25Edmund J. KowalskiHigh Ridge, MissouriAugust 2007
26Don PhelpsPeoria, IllinoisAugust 2007
27Charles BeckerGallati, Tennessee
28Larry J. Cate, Sr.Aniston, Alabama
29Jose E. Soler-OchoaArecibo, Puerto RicoDecember 2007
30Rafael MoralesTampa, Florida
31Lewis RuddockMelbourne, Florida
32John SteppClemson, South Carolina
33James SchenkenAiken, South CarolinaMay 2008
34Micah HenryMoravian Falls, North Carolina
35Ron NorwoodEden, North CarolinaMay 2008
36Doug WilcoxMartinsville, VirginiaMay 2008
37Alexander RawlesVirginia Beach, VirginiaMay 2008
38Wesley FurrBridgewater, VirginiaDecember 2008
39Steven KiferEllendale, DelewareOctober 2009
40Charles A. KingWilliamstown, West VirginiaOctober 2009
41Eric CraftMonaca, PennsylvaniaFebruary 2010
42Joe SmithWest Guilford, OntarioMay 2010
43J. Ed BakerNorth Chili, New YorkJune 2010
44Fred StellingNewburgh, New YorkAugust 2010
45Francis RoyHartford, VermontOctober 2010
46Richard ChiribogaGroton, MassachusettsOctober 2010
47James M. SurprenantLexington, MassachusettsNovember 2010
48Mike ZeisUxbridge, MassachusettsDecember 2010
49Eric HancockAtlanta, GeorgiaDecember 2010